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2024-12-13 19:41:13

Let's try to change ourselves. We can't change ourselves any more, but we can only be ruthlessly erased.I once had a dream, but my dreams were rubbed on the ground by reality, and I didn't have enough self-discipline, so I finally couldn't escape. People should fight for their dreams, not to trample them over and over again and then forget them, only to regret them later.Random Notes on the Stock Market (12.12)

I once had a dream, but my dreams were rubbed on the ground by reality, and I didn't have enough self-discipline, so I finally couldn't escape. People should fight for their dreams, not to trample them over and over again and then forget them, only to regret them later.Let's try to change ourselves. We can't change ourselves any more, but we can only be ruthlessly erased.

Random Notes on the Stock Market (12.12)Let's try to change ourselves. We can't change ourselves any more, but we can only be ruthlessly erased.

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